A Memeologist’s Overthinkable Anthology of Anxiety Memes

65 million years ago, dinosaurs were wiped out, giving rise to humanity and human nature’s worst kept secret: anxiety. Before humans, anxiety was equated with survival instincts, but in modern times, as we grapple for our sanity in an overcrowded grocery store, there’s not much surviving going on. Anxious feelings, like stress, tunnel-vision, sweating, and overthinking, used to have a purpose for ancient peoples, like a secret superpower, but now it seems a little silly. Anxiety-ridden folks and late night overthinkers are no longer using the super powers that anxiety gives you for good– we’re using it for nothing.

Fortunately, self-deprecating humor is what keeps anxious people going. There’s hilarity in the idea that we’re all stressy and using our anxiety power-up to make a phone call, when our ancestors straight up had to out run saber toothed tigers. So if you ever feel like you’re ready to spear a predator, these memes are for you!

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