Amazon Gets Slammed for Allegedly Making Employees Take Hourly, 30 Second «Positive Affirmation» Breaks

For those who despair at the state of the world today for the average working person, Amazon is usually the company that gets trashed as the worst example of everything wrong with the corporate grind. Between the rumors of warehouse employees being forced to wear adult diapers to the embarrassingly obvious sock puppet Twitter accounts that spring up in their defense, it’s hard not to order off their website without activating your guilty conscience. 

Just in case you needed another reason to cringe every time you renew your Prime subscription, there have been further depressing insights made into the job culture of the average fulfilment worker in the business. According to @ConnorSpence_, for every hour an employee works, their computer insists they take a thirty second break to say mantras that supposedly help maintain a positive attitude. Not surprisingly, many on Twitter took a dim view of this revelation. Nothing makes somebody feel better about their crappy job than being forced to say how great that crappy job is. 

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