Burger Lovers Pay Homage to McDonald’s Quarter Pounder Statue in South Dakota

There are a lot of different things that make (some) Americans proud of their country, and boy do they love pointing it out on the internet. This can get tiring for the rest of the world, but occasionally it manages to be endearing instead. 

Case in point is a recent celebration of a US landmark. While not everyone is happy when the land of the free defends its cuisine, it can’t be denied that some of it is iconic — and McDonald’s is probably one of the most well-known restaurant chains of all time. It’s only fitting that it built a statue in South Dakota honoring one of its famous products, the Quarter Pounder.

The monument was installed in early 2020 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the burger being launched. However, it’s only now that Twitter has happened upon it to pay their respects. Let’s put it this way, it left a lot of people feeling patriotic. 

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