‘I looked at the check and started laughing’: Family demands their kid pay rent while in college, then ‘gift’ him the money back 4 years later, he cuts off all contact with them in response

Every parent wants to have the opportunity to help their kids as much as they can and prepare them for real life. Some parents do it by giving their kids everything they ask for, and even helping them financially through every step of the way. Other parents do it by finding a way to teach …
Seguir leyendo ‘I looked at the check and started laughing’: Family demands their kid pay rent while in college, then ‘gift’ him the money back 4 years later, he cuts off all contact with them in response

‘It costs them double what I paid’: Library refuses to accept card payment for man’s late fine, he comes up with a clever plan to play the long game

This is a safe space for people to air out some of their petty revenge and malicious compliences, especially when it comes to the little guy refusing to surrender to big institutes that try to take advantage of them. We usually show our support to stories like these and give big virtual high-fives to people …
Seguir leyendo ‘It costs them double what I paid’: Library refuses to accept card payment for man’s late fine, he comes up with a clever plan to play the long game

Ingenious tenant uproots garden after landlord increases rent, sweet revenge ensues: ‘Should salt the earth for good measure’

Everyone loves a good revenge story. There’s something so sweet about watching someone fall prey to their deserved comeuppance. Life is so often random and unjust that it’s rare that bad people get what they deserve. Also, how many times have we come up with the perfect comeback… only days later, in the shower? Usually, …
Seguir leyendo Ingenious tenant uproots garden after landlord increases rent, sweet revenge ensues: ‘Should salt the earth for good measure’

‘This is why I lied to you’: Woman lies to her family about buying a country house so they won’t take advantage of it, they find out and demand a key

Listen, we know families are not easy to handle, sometimes having a close family can be more of a curse than a blessing. But still, those people are part of who you are, so you have a certain obligation towards them. That being said, a big problem can arise when the boundaries with your family …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is why I lied to you’: Woman lies to her family about buying a country house so they won’t take advantage of it, they find out and demand a key

‘You’re enabling his lifestyle’: Kindhearted Man Told off by Random Woman for Giving Money to a Homeless Man

There are those who struggle more than others. In the game of life, not everyone is dealt the same hand. The story that follows tells the story of a generous individual who made an effort to help someone in need. The story begins with OP setting the stage. There are a lot of homeless people wandering …
Seguir leyendo ‘You’re enabling his lifestyle’: Kindhearted Man Told off by Random Woman for Giving Money to a Homeless Man

‘Game on…’: Housemates Refuse to Give Into Roommates Demands After Roommate Ritual Goes Wrong, Leading to a Kitchen Full of Sticky Notes

It’s important to keep your housemates in harmony. This can usually be accomplished with only a few simple steps: everyone needs to communicate with each other and set clear expectations for the future, leaving nothing up to chance. But what would happen if one of the roommates is unable to budge and is insistent about …
Seguir leyendo ‘Game on…’: Housemates Refuse to Give Into Roommates Demands After Roommate Ritual Goes Wrong, Leading to a Kitchen Full of Sticky Notes

‘I’m not paying for your mistake’: Woman gets a speeding ticket while driving her boyfriend’s car, then demands he takes the blame

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think 16-year-olds should be permitted to drive yet, and I definitely don’t think their parents should buy them a car when they first pass their driver’s test. Driving is a huge responsibility, and when people are driving, they are not only responsible for their own lives, …
Seguir leyendo ‘I’m not paying for your mistake’: Woman gets a speeding ticket while driving her boyfriend’s car, then demands he takes the blame

‘Not on my watch’: Teacher Fails Entire Class by Giving Them Different Tests So They Can’t Use Their Usual Cheating Strategy

Teaching is a hard profession. You want the best for your students and have compassion for them on the one hand. On the other hand, success is only meaningful if it is earned honestly and fairly. The story below tells the tale of a frustrated science teacher who has been driven to breaking point by …
Seguir leyendo ‘Not on my watch’: Teacher Fails Entire Class by Giving Them Different Tests So They Can’t Use Their Usual Cheating Strategy

‘It’s your problem, pay for it yourself’: Daughter left devastated after mom refuses to pay for school trip abroad that daughter failed to mention

Were you a good or bad student in school? I am not just asking whether you got good grades or not, because honestly, that says nothing about anything. What I want to know is if you did your homework, if were nice to the teachers, and if you took notes in classes. These things probably …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s your problem, pay for it yourself’: Daughter left devastated after mom refuses to pay for school trip abroad that daughter failed to mention

‘As you wish Mr. Principal’: Principal Shuts Down Student’s Booth Due to ‘High Profits’, Leading To Student’s Clever Compliance With School Policy

It really is a gift to be petty. There is no match for the genuine, honest, and organic expertise of a petty individual. You are either gifted from birth or you are not.  The story that follows fully supports my claim. OP recounts an incident that happened not too long ago when she was still an …
Seguir leyendo ‘As you wish Mr. Principal’: Principal Shuts Down Student’s Booth Due to ‘High Profits’, Leading To Student’s Clever Compliance With School Policy