‘It costs them double what I paid’: Library refuses to accept card payment for man’s late fine, he comes up with a clever plan to play the long game

This is a safe space for people to air out some of their petty revenge and malicious compliences, especially when it comes to the little guy refusing to surrender to big institutes that try to take advantage of them. We usually show our support to stories like these and give big virtual high-fives to people who succeed in harmlessly getting their rightful way. But occasionally we read stories of people taking pride in actions that are… not that great, and we think it is important to draw a certain line.

You might agree with us when it comes to this Reddit story, but you also may not. This guy had a $40 fine from the public library, and he waited until the very last day to pay it. When he got to the library, they could not accept his credit card, and he didn’t have any cash. That resulted in his fines being doubled, which really made him angry. So he proceeded to pay for the fine in the prettiest of ways, just because of his own inability to pay in time. Now, although we understand the annoying situation, we don’t think revenge on a public library is something one should be proud of.

We are curious to know what you would think, so scroll down to read the full story and the comments that followed. When you are done, click here for funny Friends memes.

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