Mom incessantly insults millennials, discovers ‘millennial’ doesn’t mean a lazy, pathetic, entitled person: ‘She called a 80-ish year old lady at her church a millennial’

What does it mean to be a boomer? Those of us who still care about numbers, math, and time would say that a person born between 1946-1964 is a baby boomer, but that is not the sole definition. Many Zoomers refer to any person they consider old, whether they’re a member of the Silent Generation, Gen X, or even millennials, as boomers. In 2019, the phrase «Okay, Boomer.» reached the heights of popularity via a wild viral TikTok, and ever since, the definition of the word boomer has never been the same. 

That shift in meaning begs the question: if «boomer» means an old person, can «millennial» mean an entitled person? That is at least what one mom thought when she complained incessantly about millennials in front of her millennial children. When they explained to her that millennial is a term that solely describes a generation, the insults stopped coming. 

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