Dinosaur Memes for Jurassic Jokers

What’s the coolest dinosaur of all time? The top three that I’ve always heard people say are Tyrannosaurus Rex, Pterodactyl, and Velociraptor. Sure, all pretty good picks. T. Rexes are massive and funny looking. Velociraptors are fast and cool. Pterodactyls are the ones that can fly. Those three are definitely the most represented within dinosaur-affiliated media, but I have a dark horse candidate for the coolest of the animals: supersaurus (AKA the massive dinosaurs with the ridiculously long necks.)

This could just be a contrarian opinion, but to me, supersauruses are the best dinosaurs. They’re unbelievably tall, their psychic is astonishingly weird, they’re more or less prehistoric giraffes, and they’re herbivores. I’m not sure why any of these are good qualities to me, but it makes the dinosaur interesting enough to hit my number one spot. 

Why don’t we take a look at some memes that scratch our paleontology itch? Here are some Jurassic memes about prehistoric beasts! Enjoy!  

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