Dude Finds Giant Centipede In Daughter’s Room & Horrifies People With the Footage

Growing up in Brooklyn I was always terrified of house centipedes. And why wouldn’t I be? The revoltingly speedy unibrow bugs were all over the place. They’d find their way onto my arm at slumber parties, inspiring blood-curdling screams more indicative of a murder than a creepy crawly.  I’d find them in my shoes.  My mother would tell me they’re «good bugs» because they eat the «bad bugs,» but to me they were the stuff of literal  nightmares. Eventually my fear subsided, after having to live in a dank and dark East Village basement where they were a daily sighting. I’d almost forgotten about the critters – until Twitter user @VickGlaze horrified the internet with a video that features a far more sinister-looking centipede. 

The alarmingly large centipede in Vick’s video is known by a few names. Some call them Texas redheaded centipedes, others the Giant Desert Centipede. Whatever its called, it’s freaking terrifying. And this scared father was not afraid to admit it. In a thread, he details all the measures he took to protect his home, and the terror the creature has struck in his heart. The responses (mostly in solidarity) are almost as entertaining as the video and accompanying story. As for me? I’m feeling pretty damn lucky that I grew up in New York and not in Austin, Texas, where these massive venomous critters roam. 

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