Funniest Broke Memes for People Barely Rubbing Two Pennies Together

The annual inflation rate in the year 2022 has been the highest since pretty much ever. So if by the end of the year, you don’t get an 8% raise, you’re actually losing money– Nice


Broke-ness is scouring the nation and there’s nothing you can do about it. So if you have been surviving on Top Ramen, two jobs, and a dream of winning the lottery over night, you’re not alone. There are low times and high times in everyone’s life so guess what, since Joe Biden is cancelling some student debt, maybe this is your launch point


So go buy that scratcher and have some faith, because maybe you’ll find a hundred bucks on the street today and get a little lucky. Financially, that’s all we need sometimes: faith, a little luck, and a crisp hundred. Go fill up your gas tank and grab some groceries. Now THAT’S the real lottery.

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