Hater claims SNL has never cast a hot woman, gets dragged in the comments: ‘Cecily Strong was on that show way too long for you to be spouting nonsense’

Saturday Night Live is one of those shows that people have many grievances with. The most common one is that «the sketches aren’t funny like they used to be.» That sentiment could’ve been said in 1980 or 2024, and you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference: it’s a timeless complaint. I believe that people like the SNL of their high school or college years and shun it when they get too old to know the celebrity hosts anymore. If you don’t believe me, ask your parents what era of SNL they like. I’m pretty confident it’s not the Bowen Yang and Sarah Sherman era. 

One woman recently went viral for sharing a completely novel SNL grievance: the show has never cast a hot woman. Besides the fact that this is patently untrue, the way she expressed this opinion by specifically criticizing Heidi Gardner’s appearance was unusually cruel and completely unnecessary. 

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