‘I Spy With My Little Eye…’ : 20 Unusual and Confusing Perspectives From the Funny Lens of a Camera

Technology is just getting better and better. In fact, this new AI stuff is pretty terrifying — it’s one more step humanity is taking in the direction of a robot-ruled universe. There are entire movies about this, y’all! But we’re not here to talk about AI, Photoshop, or Lightroom… No, today we are here to talk about photos that are allegedly untouched — photos that make us do a double-take because the perspective is so confusing. Once we get it, we’re like ‘Ohhhh’ and then feel a bit stupid. 

Still, we’re determined to prove our own brains wrong, and so we scroll down to the next pic, and then the next one… we’ve personally come to the conclusion that it’s just our eyes tricking us because Mom told us we’re not stupid and we believe her. Today when you take a photo, you get to see it straight away, unlike in the olden days (Or like, 15-20 years ago… yikes) when you had to go and literally print the entire roll of film out at your local Safeway (Wassup Canada) only to discover that most were absolutely useless.

To conclude, we’ve compiled 20 of the most unusual pics taken as of late, that we found while scouring a personal favorite subreddit or ours, r/confusingperspective. Scroll down to check ‘em out. For some wacky, random pics that are actually funny, click here.

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