‘I’m the Problem, It’s Me’ Funniest Inspiring Therapy Memes of the Week for the Collapsing Crowd

It can be quite strenuous to talk about your problems with anyone, let alone a stranger you don’t know. Therapy is a complex process, that takes some getting used to. It’s like peeling layers off an onion, except that it never ends. Plus you don’t chop up the layers and add them to a salad. It’s safe to say most of us have some kind of resistance to letting out the most vulnerable side of us and confiding with another person about it. That would require us to talk about our… gasp…feelings. Lol, we don’t got none of those (upper lip trembles).


Then again, grumbling to someone about our problems isn’t always so bad… Imagine whining to somebody for an hour, and they can’t stop you. It can also help you gain a lot of (much needed) perspective. We’re in an era of self-growth, people! Let’s get on it so that future generations don’t have to deal with our hogwash. A great form of therapy (the cheap kind) is humor. So let’s get into the all-too-relatable memes that best describe our inner turmoil in entertaining ways.

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