Medium-Quality Memes For People Experiencing High Levels of Boredom

It feels kind of wrong to be bored on a beautiful day. But sometimes, the odds are stacked against you. Lately, at least here in beautiful New York City, allergy season is in full swing. This means that people are sneezing, tearing up, coughing, and feeling completely miserable wherever they go. I’ve personally been responsible for a cacophony of sniffles, sneezes, and nose-blowing in my open office plan, and lemme tell ya: I do not feel good about it. 

The fear of sneezing on a stranger, leaking mucus from my face, and simply feeling bad has kept me stuck inside my shoebox apartment with, well, not a whole lot to do. I’ve managed to run through several new series, I’ve experienced the FOMO-inducing powers of Instagram, and stared longingly into my sun-drenched and pollen-drenched backyard. The boredom is almost too much to bear. And when I get really bored, just about any form of entertainment will help pass the time. Today, we’re offering memes of the same iffy caliber. They’re not the greatest memes in the world, but they’ll suffice in a tedious pinch. Best of luck to you, bored-os. 

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