‘My 19 year old can’t spell or write’: Unschooling mom with illiterate kids calls herself a failure, the internet agrees

I have always been a little suspicious of alternative methods of schooling. I know that there are some parents out there who are completely competent at teaching their kids from Kindergarten to 12th grade, but I highly doubt that’s the majority of homeschoolers. Most of the time, kids who do their schooling at home would be better off in the hands of an online teacher who can hold them accountable for their work because they’re not their mom or dad. 

Unschooling is one of the worst offenders in terms of educational neglect. Unschooling is «an informal learning method that prioritizes learner-chosen activities as a primary means for learning.» Now, it might sound utopian for kids to learn what they choose to learn instead of having a curriculum forced on them, but without any real structure, kids’ basic educational needs can easily slip through the cracks. One unschooler recently went viral for feeling like a failure because her 19-year-old can’t do math or read, and both of her kids argue with her. 

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