People Debate The Usefulness of Cover Letters

It takes a very specific breed of person to enjoy the process of a job search, and by this I mean somebody who is either a complete psychopath, or has an automatic leg up thanks to all of their dad’s rich and powerful friends (better still, maybe they are part of both categories!). The action of applying for a role has become an increasingly difficult and time-consuming one over the years, with many employers requiring many more hoops to jump through for no apparent reason.

These hurdles start early, often in the form of a cover letter requirement. Seeing as the whole thing is basically a fancier rewording of the most relevant bits of your resume, there are a lot of people who are not a fan of this extra piece of paper. After @roastmalone_ took this opinion to Twitter, though, the takes were a little more controversial. While the document may not be dead just yet, there is plenty of life in its opponents.

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