People Discuss The Most Successful People With The Least Amount of Talent

It’s well known that the most talent doesn’t always equal the most success. Sure, there are a lot of incredibly successful people who have achieved great things just by nature of them being so undeniably talented. However, that is not always the case. Some successful people are moderately talented but incredibly attractive. Or, they were at the right place at the right time and achieved success just because they’re so darn lucky. Even if you don’t think someone is objectively the most talented, they usually have some other virtue or positive quality that helped them launch their careers. 

On the other hand, there are people who have succeeded in every measurable way despite being incredibly incompetent. Think of the arrogant sons of wealthy moguls who never had to lift a finger to live a comfortable life. It’s frustrating to watch talentless people thrive while talented people go unappreciated, and Redditors took to the platform to share some of their least favorite talentless success stories. 

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