People Share the Countries They Believe Have the Most Average Cuisine

For many people of different nationalities, food is a point of national pride. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks about it (until they trash it to our face, of course). So many of us are so invested in our local cuisines that that the argument of which ones are the best is something of a common occurrence. 

However, a discussion that happens less often is one that shies away from the extremes. It’s easy to think about types of food we really don’t like, and those that we think are works of genius, but what about the world cuisines that lie solidly in the middle of our rankings? 

Those of us with seasoned tastebuds probably have many examples of food that we think is just OK, and some of them have been exposed in a recent Twitter thread. There are quite a few nationalities that don’t seem to produce strong reactions to their food, and maybe that’s fine. 

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