Shameless Rebels That Broke Mundane Rules

Everywhere you look, it seems like we’re being told to do things. Make sure that the door shuts behind you. Wash your hands to avoid spreading germs. Don’t saunter naked down the middle of the freeway just to feel something. While we might be pretty used to following these rules, requests, and regulations most of the time, they can get draining to deal with day in, day out. This is why so many people enjoy playing with these expectations, in ways that may not always be expected. This doesn’t mean they have to break the law; it doesn’t even mean that they’re doing something most people would consider wrong. Instead, they’re just enjoying turning our assumptions on their head. These anarchic happenings may not overthrow society as we know it, but they’re definitely worth a double take. It’s these small rebellions which made our lives a little bit more worth living. 

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