The Best Freelancer Memes of the Week (February 5, 2023)

It’s 2023 and most people have at least dabbled in working freelance these days. This type of career path isn’t for everyone. Some people love it and thrive working freelance, while others feel suffocated and overwhelmed by the lack of structure. As a freelancer you’ve successfully avoided the soul-sucking 9-to5 job, but at what cost? Now you have to set your own hours, which usually ends up with you having zero official free time or breaks until you’ve finished the project. Your paycheck is at the mercy of the client, you can sign all the contracts you want and send as many angry emails as you can, but the client will pay when they pay. And every new project is a new adventure, and as adventures do, they can either be wonderful and fruitful, or stressful and traumatic… Either way, if you’re a freelancer, know that we understand you! Us freelancers gotta stick together! Let us offer you these relatable freelancer memes in these trying times. 

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