The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (November 15, 2023)

Ahoy, fellow gamers. It’s that time of year when the sun sets earlier and earlier, and we begin to feel like bears preparing for hibernation. Daylight is waning, and so our our ambitions. In the summer months, I might have a whole evening ahead of me after work: dinner with friends, catching a show, roaming the city aimlessly, exploring parks and cafes. These days, the seduction of a warm, cozy home and a big blanket flares up as soon as the sun has hidden and dipped below the horizon.

It’s the perfect time to get lost in a game for hours on end. It’s dark and cold anyway, so might as well hole up inside and look at a screen. It’s why video games were invented in the first place. So between those dimly-lit sessions, give these fresh gaming memes a scroll and see how they treat ya. 

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