The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (June 13, 2022)

Ever try and calculate how many years you’ve got left in the workforce before you get to retire? It’s an upsetting task, even if you’re the kind of person that’s good at mental maths. Yes, there were plenty of things about school that sucked, and those of us who went to college are acutely aware that it has its ups and downs (as well as leaving us with a hefty loan we’re doomed to spend most of our lives paying off). 

However, even if you’ve had a job before, entering the labor market full time is a shock. Realizing that like it or not, this is your life now is a process that most adult individuals who want to keep a roof over their heads have to go through. It might not be pleasant, but at least we can be safe in the knowledge that there are millions of others out there suffering through the exact same thing. All the memes can only prove this.

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