‘The internet really ruined like three generations of people’: Trad Gen-Z mom makes a wojak of her baby, gets roasted and praised for it

No matter how much time passes, there seem to be new wojaks that spring up every year. If you are unfamiliar with what a wojak is, this is how our friends at Know Your Meme define them: 

«Feels Guy, also known as Wojak, is an MS Paint illustration of a bald man with a sad expression on his face. It is often used as a reaction image to represent feelings such as melancholy, regret or loneliness. Wojak memes as a genre have grown to include various remixes and edits to the character «

Basically, a wojak is a drawing of a face meant to represent a certain type of person. Some of the most popular wojaks are Chads and Trad wifes, but now the spawn of those two wojacks has made its debut. When a trad wife posted a wojak of her baby on Twitter, it gained lots of positive and negative attention. 

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