The Most Cringeworthy Dating App Encounters This Week (April 5th, 2023)

Modern dating has become a complex and often daunting experience for many people. As a recently single person, I can 100% agree. See, in today’s society, people are expected to meet new individuals in a fast-paced, highly technological environment. With the rise of dating apps and social media, finding someone to date has become easier yet somehow more challenging. Instead of focusing on the fun parts of meeting new people and discovering new things, we’re drowning in options, engaging in surface-level communication, coping with self-esteem issues, and stressing over perceived rejections.

The world of Internet dating, and dating in the Internet age, has made for ample opportunities for people to engage in cringey behavior. While some people manage to swipe in a relatively inoffensive manner, others resort to being intensely creepy, intensely entitled, or a disgusting combination of both. Then there are the people who take their frustration off-app and decide to complain about their lack of success on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or even 4chan. Unfortunately for all of these people, there’s a little thing called screenshotting, and if you’re on any of the apps or social media sites, you’re at risk of getting caught being creepy or unpleasant. And when you’re behaving badly, chances are one of the message recipients is going to blow up your spot on one of the same sites (usually Reddit). In today’s collection of dating-related cringe, we’ve found some seriously painful profiles, cringey f*ckbois, and deranged incels doing their best to, well, confirm that they’re un-dateable. 

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