Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (May 31, 2022)

Happy Tuesday to all the Lord of the Rings fans in the house. Hopefully those of you who are stateside and had a long weekend (Memorial Day) of fun. I know I did. Yesterday I got back from a trip north to Vermont, a state that has no shortage of untouched natural beauty. When I’m in the middle of a lush, bird-filled forest or trekking through a seemingly endless field, I can’t help but imagine myself in Middle-earth. I may have even pressed my ear to the ground a la Legolas a couple times. While the trip was fun and definitely stoked my imagination, I still found myself craving tasty and terribly dumb Lord of the Rings memes while chilling in a place with godawful service. This made my weekly task of LOTR meme collection more of a treat than usual. So without further ado, I present my findings. May they bring a smile to your face the way they did to mine. 

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