‘[Traveling] is not at all on her bingo card’: Elder Millennial couple feud over how to spend $100k in annual benefits, debating van life over a white picket fence

Elder Millennials have been presented with a unique opportunity with their generation. While a lot of folks argue that this generation received the short end of the stick in a lot of ways, one man, an ex-military guy with staggering VA benefits, would argue otherwise. After being injured in combat abroad, u/highspeed_haiku got his golden ticket punched, scoring $100k annually for the rest of his days. So upon returning stateside, our military man was gung-ho about capitalizing on his elder millennial advantage by traveling the nation in a live-in van, enjoying the natural world to its fullest. 

Well, his wife had other plans. 

With dollar signs in her eyes and a lonesome deployment existence behind her, the man’s wife had no intention of living an antisocial lifestyle in a van. She wanted the white picket fence, the big suburban house, and a Hallmark-worthy lifestyle of idyllic proportions. 

Scroll for the full story–and the two-sided debate where neither side truly wins. But imagine, if you had $100k from Uncle Sam every year… What would you do with it? 

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