Trump’s Coronavirus Diagnosis Has Sparked A Crapload Of Spicy Memes

In the wee hours of October 2, President Donald Trump shared a tweet that left his opponents pinching himself. 

That’s right, both Donald and Melania Trump are sitting cozy in quarantine following a positive diagnosis of Covid-19. Despite much of the country being asleep, Twitter users and memers were quick to churn out gleeful (and cringey) content. Many people on the internet feel that this is a sort of success, as Trump has routinely brushed off the dangers of the virus since it first made an appearance early this year. 

While many of the memes and tweets seem to be darkly celebratory, it was announced this morning that the President is feeling mild symptoms following the diagnosis. Whatever happens, we’re hoping this helps the anti-mask non-believers realize that the virus is something to be taken seriously, and is certainly not a hoax. As for the memes, well, let’s just say 2020 has been a gift that just keeps on giving.

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