Twitter Users Speculate on the Event That Will Come to Define Gen Z

It’s a bit of a mind bending thought, but we are living through tomorrow’s history. Seismic world events happen all the time, and we never know when the next one will be just behind the corner. There are always going to be major things happening that end up defining certain eras.

As a result, every single generation alive has some kind of event that defines the world in which they grow up. It’s kind of difficult to put our finger on it when we’re still living through it, though. When a TikToker posed the question of what would be the «pivotal moment» for Gen Z, the people of Twitter were divided. They didn’t hesitate to throw up plenty of options, but there were a wide variety — as well as complaints that some the other generations were not accurately represented. Time will tell what we truly look back on the Zoomer era for, but that doesn’t mean we can’t make some educated guesses. These years have certainly been interesting. 

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