Woman Shares Tiny, Hilarious 4 x 6mm Photo from CVS, Leaves People Speculating on its Purpose

In my humble opinion, nothing creates a sense of whimsy quite like making a tiny version of a normal-sized object. It doesn’t matter if it’s a doll, a teapot or a Kalashnikov, putting it in miniature ups the level of cuteness immeasurably. While these very small things might not be very useful, they are nonetheless fascinating to look at. It makes me understand why some hobbyists are really into model train sets. 

However, they can be kind of confusing to come across if they’re not what we’re expecting. This is what happened to one Twitter user, when she ordered a print of a photograph that came in a extremely petite size. Expressing her confusion at why somebody might want a picture that was so small, other people were on hand to speculate about what it could be used for. There are some creative options here, it has to be said. 

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