20+ Corporate Memes for Office Plebes Who Are Suffering From a Permanent Case of the Mondays

Another weekend has passed and you still haven’t gotten that raise your boss promised you 3 months ago. As you lace up your shoes in the morning, look in the mirror, and straighten your collared shirt, you’re probably wondering why you’re still doing this to yourself every day after nearly a decade of «coffee runs». Can the spreadsheets not program themselves these days? 

You belong in Barbados, not in a cubicle begging a middle aged man with no computer skills to give you a $100 pay raise so that you can afford eggs this month. Well, if you’re suffering from a bad case of the Mondays, just know that you’re a valuable part of your corporate office team. Without you, who would tell Janice in HR gossip to about her failed marriage? Without you, who would malicious customers reach out to with solvable complaints? Without you, who would attach PDF’s to your CEO’s emails for them? 

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