20+ Dubious Examples of Life Advice That Shouldn’t Be Put Into Practice

Most of us have been guilty of giving out bad advice at some point, and this can be for many reasons. Sometimes, it’s because we don’t know any better; other times we’re simply trapped in our own limited beliefs. It can also be that we have a selfish reason to sabotage another person. Whatever the motivation, there’s no denying that this world is full of guidance that is anything but guided. Just take a look around you, and see all the stupid mistakes that get made every day.

While we can’t condone ruining lives, we’ve got to admit that sometimes trollishly awful advice is quite amusing. If there’s anyone out there dumb enough to follow the coaching of the examples below, that’s on them. Everybody has to learn somehow, although doing that through the unwise words doled out here would be a terrible decision. That’s why they’re all so funny. 


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