20 Google Maps Oddities and Glitches That Show the World is a Fascinating Place

If I found myself in some farfetched hypothetical situation where I had to choose only a couple of apps to keep on my phone, Google Maps would be one of them. I have a propensity for getting lost that makes it nothing short of a necessity (I would not have survived adulthood in the analog times). Say what you like about the ways in which the iconic search engine has downgraded itself recently, it can’t be denied that its cartological offerings are still useful.

As avid GeoGuessr users will tell you, it’s also not just the practical side of this application that is appealing. There is plenty of entertainment to be had as well. With enough curiosity, there are plenty of strange and wonderful easter eggs in Google Maps. Seen below are just a few examples of weird things that people have found. Those infamous cameras can really go wild.


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