The Best Star Trek Memes of the Week (April 30, 2024)

Learning Klingon sounds like it’d be super fun, but it is kind of impossible in practice. One of the most critical parts of learning a language is conversing with native speakers. Unless there is a child who was raised in impossibly rare circumstances, there are no native speakers of Klingon. In 2009, it was predicted that there would probably be 20-30 fluent speakers worldwide, and since then, the number has nearly doubled to 50-60 Klingon speakers. It must be a lonely life with all that knowledge and so few people to talk to. I hope those 50-60 souls at least have a groupchat where they can feel superior to all of us rubes.

Back to the child raised in impossibly rare circumstances, I do think it would be cool to raise a kid with only Klingon spoken around him for the first 3-5 years of his life. If you would do that if you had the chance, you might be the target audience for these Star Trek memes

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