20+ Karaoke Memes to Sing-Laugh Along To

It’s the freakin’ weekend, baby, and we’re about to have us some fun! We love karaoke. There, we said it. Some people hate it—the pressure of getting on stage, taking the spotlight, and belting your little heart out; or maybe you just don’t find watching a bunch of drunk people struggle through songs the only half know fun. But you are wrong. It is so fun! What do you think all that singing in the shower was for? Just because?? Heck no! It was rehearsal, training for this night. This fun night full of tequila shots, probably a mistake or two, and singing silly little songs that make you happy. If you’re an actual, like, professional singer… We’re sorry, but you’re not invited. It’s too intimidating to sing in front of you and god forbid YOU take the stage. Then everyone is going to be too nervous to crappily sing their own song. No, no. That’s just rude. Sorry… Enjoy these memes though!  

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