20+ Memes For Gamers Who Prioritize Video Games Over Human Interaction

Do you consider yourself to be a true video gamer? If so, you might’ve dabbled with thoughts about video games being better than humans once or twice. The cool thing about playing video games is that you get to choose with personas or characters you want to play, you get to decide which world you want to explore, and you get to experience exhilarating scenes every few minutes. 

In real life, things aren’t always so colorful, fun, or adventurous. Your parents, friends, or significant other might be chirping in your ear telling you it’s time to spend less time with your video games. That doesn’t mean you have to listen. Maybe there isn’t anyone trying to convince you to take a break anyway, so why not keep playing? You’ll certainly understand the depths of these hilarious memes if you can agree that video games should be prioritized over human interaction

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