20+ Midwest Memes for Nice Folks Who Call It Pop

One thing I love about the Midwest is how obsessed we all are with cheese. Give us cheddar, give us pepper jack, heck, give us emmental. We will slice it, put it on a Ritz cracker, or grate it over tater tots and call it a casserole. And we will enjoy every gosh dang minute of it. Wisconsinites famously call themselves «cheese heads,» but I don’t think cheese-loving is specific to Wisconsin. States all across the region enjoy a hearty, creamy, salty, indulgent slice of perfectly expired cow’s milk. 

Midwestern cuisine puts comfort before anything else, which I find inspiring. You can worry about health in other states. Who cares if you’re lactose-intolerant? Just push through it, this is the Midwest. Take your microgreens and avocado back to California where they belong. So as you scroll through this week’s Midwest meme list, I hope you have a nice little side dish of your favorite cheese right next to ya. 

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