20+ Sick Day Memes For Convalescing in Bed

You never appreciate how good it is to feel healthy until it is snatched away from you out of nowhere. When you’re a kid, sometimes you wish you would miraculously get sick so you don’t have to go to school the next day. That is, until you’re actually really sick and spend the rest of the week feeling miserable and sorry for ever having wished that upon yourself. When you’re an adult, you’re often expected to work through your illness, which makes you long for the days of having to stay home from school with a fever and not being expected to do your homework when you can barely keep your eyes open. At the end of the day, being sick sucks no matter what circumstance you’re under. If you’re ill, you deserve to curl under the warm covers, sleep as many hours as you need, eat a ton of soup, and enjoy these sick-day memes.

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