20 Smash Mouth Memes for All Star Memers Who Want to Pay Tribute to Steve Harwell

There are a few heavy hitting contenders for tunes that truly define meme culture. Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up has to be somewhere at the top of the list, or maybe the Trololo song for those niche vintage meme connoisseurs.  Undoubtedly, there are also a million and one different songs that qualify from getting big on TikTok.

Those of you eager to see the memes below will notice I’ve left one of the best until last: Smash Mouth’s All Star, first popularized in 2001 by Shrek  and immortalized by online humor ever since. The rock band that launched a thousand jokes (many not even ogre-related) suffered a tragic blow over the weekend, when former frontman Steve Harwell died of liver failure aged 56.

As dedicated aggregators of the finest iconic memes, Memebase is here to pay respects the best way that it knows how. When it comes to the goldfish memory of the internet, only shooting stars break the mold. 

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