20+ Snuggly Blanket Memes for the Cozy Enthusiasts Who Are Spending All Winter Bundled Up

Winter is upon us, and let’s be real – the struggle is real. All I’m craving is the warm, comforting hug of my favorite cozy blanket. When the temperature starts to dip, I immediately pull out my thick, snuggly blankets tucked in the back of my linen closet. Whether I’m executing a flawless burrito roll on the couch or strutting around the house with a blanket draped over my shoulders like an aging king looking down on his kingdom, blankets are the true lifesaver of winter. 

Even my pup has her own special blanket. Decorated with bones and dog houses, it’s a must for her when bedtime comes around. If I don’t have her blanket prepped when she’s ready for bed, she’ll sneak her way under my comforter and in between my legs, desperate to snuggle. If you haven’t pulled out your winter blankets yet, let this be your sign. Winter is coming!

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