20+ Witchy Memes for Spell Casters Who Know Their Sage From Their Palo Santo

At this time of year, it seems like every other person is all about that mystical side of life (or the spookier aspects of it, anyway). However, to paraphrase a recently popularized meme, these fake witches don’t know what to do when a real one comes at them. 

From the families that have passed down spiritual secrets from generation to generation to those dubious characters who sell love spells on Etsy, there are a surprising amount of individuals who have witchy inclinations. Most of them don’t hesitate to share the magic, either. 

This is especially true when it comes to memes, which are as plentiful as they are amusing. Whether you’re a witchcraft veteran or you’re only just familiarizing yourself with the tarot cards, these memes are sure to pack a punch on this solar eclipse. There’s also no rule that says you can’t enjoy them during other moon phases. 

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