El estudio que demuestra que la llegada de Airbnb a las ciudades aumenta los alquileres

La responsabilidad de la subida de los precios de alquiler no es solo de Airbnb, pero también influye, según un grupo de investigadores de la Universidad de California

Siete claves para proteger nuestros dispositivos electrónicos en el aeropuerto

Los cibercriminales no descansan por navidad y los aeropuertos son el principal foco de robo de datos estos días. Además, este año viajamos más en avión, concretamente un 15% más que el año pasado

Funny Tweets That Speak The Truth

People on Twitter have a way of sharing short and sweet tidbits that most people can relate to. Most of them are self-deprecating jokes or frustrated complaints, but every now and then you’ll find some wholesome reminders that we’re all in this together. This gallery falls mostly into the former category, but we’ve sprinkled some …
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Food Memes That Range From Funny To Vomitrocious

We love a good cursed food pic, but sometimes you need a little humor mixed in with your cringe. That’s where the Instagram account @boyswhocancook comes in. They’re pumping out the perfect mix of abhorrent culinary disasters and hilarious food memes, so depending on your mood you’ll either wretch in horror or chuckle at McChickens. Here’s …
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42 Fascinating Pics That Show A Totally Unexpected Side Of History

We love nerding out over history pics and trivia tidbits. If you’re also into that kind of thing, then you’ll definitely love these photos that show different angles of well-known historical events that you almost certainly haven’t seen before. Go check out Life in Moments on Twitter for more fascinating pics from history!