23 Unhinged Memes for Anybody Having a Bad Day Where Nothing Seems to Be Going Your Way

Remember when boomers and Gen X used to say existential crisis-inspire jokes were only a millennial thing? Then Gen Z started to jump on the trend in an even more unhinged way! And now it’s even starting to leak into the children’s shows of the Gen Alpha. So maybe the pessimism isn’t really any recent generations fault? Maybe it’s just like… life. The only thin different with the more recent generations is that we aren’t in denial of our mental illnesses and we openly support therapy. When things feel overwhelming, when it feels like the universe just keeps throwing low blow and the other, what do we do? Memes! The answer is always memes. Are you feeling sad? Memes! Are you feeling angry? Memes! Are you heartbroken? Memes, babyyyy! We don’t know about anybody else, but we’ve been feeling very unhinged lately. We’re ready to go feral, respectfully. So please join us on our journey below as we prepare for our decent into madness with nothing else but memes. 

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