24 Lackadaisical Design Choices That Baffle the Mind

We all slack off now and then. It’s part of human nature to get a little lazy sometimes and do the bare minimum required to stay afloat. The other day, I ordered delivery for a salad I was craving, and after I pressed send on the delivery, I realized I had almost every ingredient needed to make that salad at home. Knowing my error, I attempted to cancel the order, but it was too late. My foolishness had already cost me, and I had to live with my gluttony and sloth. 

Luckily, my lazy error did not have consequences outside of my self-esteem and bank account. Sometimes, though, folks aren’t so lucky, and their paucity of detail-noticing results in comically bad design choices that folks on the internet point and laugh at. Hopefully, the blithely unaware designers have a sense of humor about themselves, because we sure do. 

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