25+ Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (March 10, 2024)

Billboards. They’re some of the biggest signs we have. And with them is an opportunity to really make a statement. Often, they are simply used to promote firework warehouses, gentlemen’s clubs and to let you know that there is a Buc-ee’s coming up in a couple of exits. They often become fodder for road trips, giving you and your long-haul buddy something to talk about every couple of miles. 

It’s rare to see a billboard that truly excites, though, unless you’re somewhere deeply rural. Then you come across the real gems like the personal injury attorneys with hilarious names or ominous biblical warnings or casinos advertising that a band you had completely forgotten about is doing a residency. Those are ones worth writing home about. Equally inspiring, though, are the various signs, homes, and general design disasters that make up this week’s list. If you were on a road trip and saw these while you zoomed by, you’d have more than enough to talk about. 

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