25+ Baffling Design Choices Found in the Wild (March 3, 2024)

I used to fantasize about decorating my own space when I was a kid, and then I grew up and realized that it’s really freaking expensive to do that. Sure you can use Pinterest hacks where you can, but at the end of the day, furniture is expensive and your landlord probably won’t let you paint your walls. Often your ideas and dreams come up against a harsh reality of what your space is actually going to look like. That’s why rich people hire interior decorators. 

They know the tricks of the trade to take a room from straight out of college and we can tell to Architectural Digest-ready. But most of us will have to settle for Ikea digs and stuff picked up at a flea market. And ya know what, that’s mostly fine with me. At least we don’t have the asleep-at-the-wheel designers responsible for the following posts…

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