25+ Elegant Memes to Elevate Daily Humor Exposure

How do you feel about the hijacking of internet culture by corporate accounts? I’ll admit, it was a little cute at first. Take Wendy’s for example, they were one of the figureheads who popularized the trend. They appealed to their audience through Twitter memes, they joked with their followers, and they talked smack to other brands on social media. It was uncharted territory and refreshing to see. That was until every other brand adopted the model. When every brand tries to be the cool kid, none of them are. Call it cynical, but the attempt to manipulate was very, very obvious.  

How does any of that relate to the memes we’re about to share with you? Well, it’s part of internet culture and who doesn’t like a little bit of internet reflection with their memes? Let’s go ahead and get on to the good part, shall we? Scroll down and check out some eclectic memes!

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