25+ Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (February 5, 2024)

I have a question for you: would you rather go to outer space or the deep sea? Assuming there was little risk involved with either choice, which one would you go for? Personally, I’d go to space. I’d much rather see our world from far away and gain some existential perspective than traverse the depths and get freaked out by some gross-looking fish. 

But I see the value in both. Clearly, there’s a strong draw to the depths or those people wouldn’t have gone in that submersible. But I’ll always find space more captivating, probably because it’s infinite. The ocean is huge, yes, but not infinite. No matter how hard we try in our human lifetimes, we will never fully comprehend the vastness of the universe and what it holds. But if you’re team ocean, please sound off in the comments. But no matter which team you’re on, you’re sure to enjoy these sci-fi memes, picked just for you. 

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