Like many, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to write more. For pleasure, but perhaps also for pain? Because there’s nothing quite as cruel as parking yourself in front of a blank page. That blinking black line mocks you and your lack of ideas. I’m usually pretty good at marching past it, but sometimes the blankness overwhelms me and I say I’ll try again tomorrow. Ah, the lies we tell ourselves when we’re writing. It’s so easy to avoid the page. There are endless distractions at our fingertips, and usually a mountain of other tasks waiting to be done. Unless you’re a full-time writer, it can be hard to sneak in creative time outside of the confines of your job. But many brave souls have found a way though, and to them we’re grateful.
So, to honor those of us trying our best to get our word counts up, here’s yet another thing to distract you from your Google Doc. Sorry!