25+ of the Best Minecraft Memes of the Month (March 29, 2024)

Remember that old meme «the children yearn for the mines«? That was a good one. It started as a Minecraft reference, but then people started using it to talk about the repealing of child labor laws in the states. Whoops! But there is something to the idea of gaming approximating real-world jobs. I used to play a game that had you play as a wedding planner, running around trying to fulfill everyone’s needs. There are also countless kitchen/restaurant simulators where customers get angry at you for making them wait too long. 

This is real-world labor, but it becomes fun when you make it into a video game. Same with Minecraft. You can explore, search for materials (the same ones we have on Earth) and build stuff. Maybe the children really do yearn for the mines after all. You hear me, open ‘em back up. Send those kids in there. Jk jk. Just let them play Minecraft.

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