25+ Puntastic Wordplay Memes and Posts That Clown Around With Double Meanings

The English language is truly one of the craziest inventions that human beings have ever come up with. This thing has more than 170,000 words, many of which sound similar to one another, and countless dumb grammatical rules that even native speakers have a problem getting the hang of. 

It is basically begging to be fooled around with, which is exactly what a lot of humor in English does. Wordplay is a cornerstone of what many different people consider to be funny, and with good reason. It’s both versatile and silly, as well as something that almost anyone with a grasp of the language can enjoy.

The memes, tweets, and posts below offer a variety of enjoyable examples of pun-based punchlines. They all go to show just how many different directions that this can be taken in. This is definitely one of the better parts of speaking and writing being so complicated.

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