25+ Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (January 24, 2024)

Star Wars is monoculture in every sense of the word. Its fandom spans generations and nations, and has seeped into everyone’s consciousness in some way or another. Whether you asked for it or not, odds are, if you live on planet Earth, you’ve heard of Star Wars. I wonder how George Lucas feels about this fact. What must it be like to realize the stuff you made up is living rent-free in millions (if not billions) of people’s minds? How do you live with that as a regular human? It’s easy to forget that it didn’t always exist. Sure, now it’s a monolith created and distributed by thousands of people, but once upon a time, it was a collection of made-up words and stories in one guy’s head. 

And who knows, maybe that silly idea percolating in your mind also might enter the public imagination soon. You never know. But here are some memes to inspire you. 

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